I have just been reading all about ezines and how to write and market them, i will be putting a small e book together very soon (free of charge of course!) and will put a link on here for you all to have a good read and see what you think.
Anyway i have just come across this resource and although i'm not a big fan of any site that requires subscription i think it would be foolish of me not to point this site out, it's very reasonable and the content will help get you to the goal of making a healthy amount of money a lot quicker than it would if you didn't subscribe. anyway the site is called net break through and i have posted a link here!
alternatively you could just click on the button bellow.
i really cant tell you how usefully this resource is, it will truly explain a great deal more than you could imagine.
i really cant tell you how usefull this resource is, it will truly explain a great deal more than you could imagine.
Another great resourse is a forum site called www.warriorforum.com
Theres a lot of mistakes to be made when starting out but these guys and girls want to help, think of it as a networking site where like minded people come together and create joint ventures that are mutualy benaficial with no cost involved!
anyway it's another of my top recomendations!
I'm going to get my ebook ready over the next week so keep a look out and as soon as any new offers are about i will make you aware of them!
Good Luck